Welcome to Man For Today: The Etiquette Journal

john paul stuthridge etiquette style coach

Have you ever responded 'Good thanks!' when someone only said 'Hello' to you? Maybe you've had a slap-up first date only to have it spoilt by the awkward question William Shakespeare of Stratford should've phrased To Split or Not To Split?

Then you are in the right place.

Who am I?

My name is John-Paul Stuthridge, and I'm an etiquette and style coach. This means I’m quite likely to be the person to whom you can turn for tips and tricks for navigating difficult social dilemmas, complicated dining settings, or colleague issues in the office.

john-paul stuthridge etiquette coach

I also tie etiquette into all walks of life such as travel and culture, but where did this all come from?

There I was in a distant industrial town near Siberia in Russia as an expatriate tutor, sitting in what was then my relatively modern flat by local standards. I had just spent a long weekend in because summer was soon approaching and wanted to save my rubles for once for at least one weekend.

I knew I wanted to start something, some project, and start a social media journey that would best reflect my knowledge and interests more than any personal account could. And so a series of thoughts struck me.

For many years I had already been reading incessantly all the materials with what this blog will be concerned. Men of all ages in various countries want to know how to level up and become better men in all aspects. Typically, men will zone in and select a few areas of improvement (prompted by evolution no less). They choose wealth, status, cars, etc. And these indeed have their place, but is that all it's about? I say it is far more than that.

The next logical step came into view, and my objective was clear, to start a social media (which I suggest you all follow me on for content you have to catch up with) and showcase the content. Rather, the knowledge and inspiration that I live, breathe, eat, and sleep. Day in, day out.

Man For Today was born.

What can we expect?

Unique etiquette material. You might have already had a flavour of it on TikTok (without any viral dancing, I should add), but rather than you sifting through, let me bring the essence of this website and my journal into a digestible list of the etiquette problems you can look forward to.

When should you, if at all, split the bill?

What etiquette do I need to know to impress people from other countries?

Why are there pubs are train stations?

Why does milk go in after tea?

How can etiquette make you a high-value man?

How do I get get the dress code right for my sister’s summer wedding?

This is exactly the kind of content you can expect on Man For Today:

  • Etiquette guides and lessons

  • Dress code mastery

  • Cultural knowledge

  • Historical insights

  • Luxurious travelling inspiration

  • Style tips and inspiration

What man does not want to have all that content at his fingertips that he can depend on should those awkward or unsure situations arise? The man of today's world is not ignorant of the past, nor is he unkempt and unbending in his disposition. He immerses himself in all that is rich, fascinating, inspirational, beautiful, elite, and classy.

One last thing...

If you take home anything from this brief read, it is that you will undoubtedly learn something brilliant. Dare I say countless things!

John-Paul Stuthridge

John-Paul is an etiquette and style coach from United Kingdom who provides a range of effective, informative, and fun etiquette courses to suit all purposes, ranging from social etiquette to business etiquette and everything in between.


What is the meaning of Etiquette?